their sound is something like liquid. flowing liquid. but that's not transparent like water. more like rainbow-colored liquid. the wonderful liquid that can oppose gravity sometimes, or dissociates, or becomes mobilable capsule of liquid. such taste. ( at least for me... ).
the wonderful point of them is that... each session is 10 - 20 mins, quite long. and that's kind of abstract sound all the time. but. those sounds are more than well composed, and consistent exactly between two of them, kieran + steve. cool. we coudn't help crapping our hands a looot whenever their session finished.
audiences were also nice. i like the moment when everyone is there among light and sound in space. we can feel that on our skin temperature. that was beautiful. when i listened to cool music, it's so difficult not to dance. i liked that moment. i was really in front of big speakers. then, i could feel ' sound wind' from speaker. wind came from speaker!! and tonight. i could also feel very weedy smell as well. to be honest. i like that smell. so that's fine.
余談。前にいた身長が170cmくらいあるお姉さんが。ものすごくステキだった。唇の下にピアス。細くて、その体型もオシャレで、自然で。ものすごく酔っぱらってるっぽい彼にも動じないで、やさしく触れる手や (エロくない)、なにより笑顔がすごくステキだった。すごい綺麗なのに、ぜんぜんツンケンしてなくて、恐くなくてステキだった。恐いどころか、やさしかった。ちっびこな私が。最後アンコールの時に、後ろからなだれこんで来た背が高い男の子達にうもれてしまったとき。救って前に入れてくれた。し。そのとき、ものすごい笑顔をくれた。うれしかった....。踊り方もかっこよかった...。あまりに体型が違うので。同じ人間なのか....と思う程、綺麗な人だった。憧れちまった。