Emily Haines. I'm adoring her.
i started to know her on 'anthems for seventeen year-old girl' that's my very top favorite song in me for those five years. and now i also love Metric.
i still remember how my feeling was while i was waiting for Metric start to play.. my heart just fluttered... ( i liked to watch people worked for the stage-change though. it looked like a spectacle!). when they emerged on stage, i was q u i t e excited.... or all were quite excited. Emily was standing very in front of me ( I was in the most front row) oh dear....I was mesmerized by her. my heart grown only because she is so stunning! breathtaking. sexy gorgeous and sparkling energetic!! and very heart warming. i was feverishly dreaming.
i really thought, if i was decided to be born as a woman, i wish i were like her...Emily came to us for hand-shake with singing. i put my arm forward to her on stage. my hand touched her hand....i still remember the touching! I won't forget about tonight Metric Live. They are so professional for everything. James used many many guitars but the changing timing was so beautiful. i remember they played Help I'm Alive/Monster Hospital/Gimme Sympathy/Sick Muse/Twilight Galaxy/Dead Disco and Live it Out...started with acoustic and they grown the band play... it was so beautiful.i also liked their myspace message for gift of their guest list spots!
Metric at 渋谷クワトロ。2日前のKYTEに引き続きのクワトロ。でも雰囲気は全然違う。今日は一番前で観た。Emily Hainesがかっこいいって理由だけで胸いっぱい。そんなEmilyが歌いながら前列の観客に握手してくれた。私の手も彼女の手に触れた。ステージのEmilyは本当にかっこよかった。自分がどうせ女の人ならEmilyみたいにかっこいい人になってみたかったって思う。演奏もすごくプロフェッショナルでライブとしてすごいよかった。観客の半分くらい外国人で歓声も大きく口笛?がたくさん。盛り上がった。ライブ直前にmyspaceで本人たちが「日本は2回目であまり人も知らないしゲストリスト枠をみんなにあげるよー応募して!」って!って書いてあったのが彼ららしいと思った。
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