KYTEのライブ at 渋谷クワトロ。いろいろ思い出深い素敵な東京の夜だった。
in Shibuya Tokyo, Club Quattro was quite packed. one of my favorite song by BSS 'anthems for a seventeen year-old girl' was tuned in openingDJ set. i was on the left side around fifth row. . i could expect probably they would start with 'Boundaries' and they did so. i was so happy to be there. Nick said "こんばんわ - good evening in Japanese" with very Japanese accent! impressively amazing.
'Bridges In The Sky' 'Solsbury hill' 'No one is angry just afraid' 'Planet' and 'Sunlight' - when the intro of Sunlight started, our pleasure voices!! then Nick said "thank you" for us. that was beautiful moment.
i was shame i hardly saw Tom on stage, never even glimpse in crowd..... Ben and Scott sometimes quietly looked each other. Nick sometimes smiled for us or for some reasons:) I like his breath blowing singing voice on stage, it sounds different from CD, the only Live texture of voices. Kyte, they look very pure and surely youthful, though not childish at all rather mature feeling than regular early twenties. calm but intrepid. impressing creatures!
an encore. 'Eyes Lose Their Fire' - Nick sounds surprised with our voices? because he said "Do you know it? this song is Eyes Lose Their Fire" .... of course we know! next 'Stars on Tv Screen' - i thought they said so - unreleased song but "we just enjoy to play" and we enjoyed to listen to. then the last song... 'These tales of Our Stay' it was a lovely show....
At last, when Tom left from stage, he took the seven colors ball light -that i was gazing at all the time even while all show lighting disappeared, that rainbow ball light lit quietly on stage - Tom did bring the ball light for the audience with holding his guitar pick in his mouth. It was so sweet! magical present!!! I wish I could get that!!!!!
it was a beautiful night in Tokyo with my very special friends..... everyone loves Kyte a lot!!! so nice to share what we like! x
KYTE at Luminaire London 10/04/09KYTE at proud camden London 15/04/09