Thursday, 31 December 2009
Monday, 14 December 2009
Sunday, 13 December 2009
pills monster musk

Saturday, 12 December 2009
truly great exhibition

すごい展示だった。2009年はアイスランドでIMAGINE PEACE TOWERを見たり、WISH TREEに願いごとを描いたり、東京でコンサートに行ったり、YOKO ONOとの関わりがタイミング多く重なった年だった。だから、その記念に、この『A HOLE』展のサイン入りのポスターを買った。ものすごい展示だった。
Wednesday, 18 November 2009

tonight i myself just recognized, how hugely and deeply she has been influenced on me.
Thursday, 12 November 2009
Tuesday, 27 October 2009
qururi on GAP at Harajyuku

原宿ラフォーレ前のGAPの大画面のくるり。ここを通るたびに写真を撮ってしまう。くるりのトリビュート。9mmの『青い空』が本気でかっこいいと思った。去年のくるりと9mmの対バンライブで9mmが「くるりのコピーやってた」と言い、観客が「やってー!」とリクエストすると「本人達の前でできるかよ!」と。だから、今回こんな形で聴くことができて感慨深い。ユーミンの『春風』もすごくいい。これ聞いてると魔女の宅急便を観たくなるし 笑。
Sunday, 25 October 2009
week 9 vs Liverpool
Saturday, 24 October 2009
Friday, 23 October 2009

it was incredible i saw the line news "Some items in the Shop are also dangerously close to selling out – we've got just two copies of the Kyte mini-album left. Once it's gone it's gone forever..." on Sonic Cathedral news letter. Now It is incredible i own the one! Finally! I'm so happy for all those three KYTE collection :)
postal strike

a series of postal strikes in the uk lately... oh no... sounds very uk! (i love you uk) but i'm waiting for a post from uk... oh please..... then finally it arrived to me :) phew.
Sunday, 18 October 2009
Letter Press

Through learning a bit about Letter Press, I think I got to know a bit more about Photography aswell. good.
活版について少し知ることにより、写真のことをまた少し知った。temp pressのトーク at NOW IDeA by UTRECHT.
Saturday, 17 October 2009
Noguchi Rika

Noguchi Rika at The National ArtCenter Tokyo. Lastday today. i saw....magnificent sight there..
野口里佳 at 国立新美術館の最終日。すごいものを見てしまった...。
week 8
Thursday, 15 October 2009

I enjoyed very much the exhibition of Papers by Oji Paper. To see papers, open drawers.
Friday, 9 October 2009
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
Metric at club Quattro

Emily Haines. I'm adoring her.
i started to know her on 'anthems for seventeen year-old girl' that's my very top favorite song in me for those five years. and now i also love Metric.
i still remember how my feeling was while i was waiting for Metric start to play.. my heart just fluttered... ( i liked to watch people worked for the stage-change though. it looked like a spectacle!). when they emerged on stage, i was q u i t e excited.... or all were quite excited. Emily was standing very in front of me ( I was in the most front row) oh dear....I was mesmerized by her. my heart grown only because she is so stunning! breathtaking. sexy gorgeous and sparkling energetic!! and very heart warming. i was feverishly dreaming.
i really thought, if i was decided to be born as a woman, i wish i were like her...Emily came to us for hand-shake with singing. i put my arm forward to her on stage. my hand touched her hand....i still remember the touching! I won't forget about tonight Metric Live. They are so professional for everything. James used many many guitars but the changing timing was so beautiful. i remember they played Help I'm Alive/Monster Hospital/Gimme Sympathy/Sick Muse/Twilight Galaxy/Dead Disco and Live it Out...started with acoustic and they grown the band play... it was so beautiful.i also liked their myspace message for gift of their guest list spots!
Metric at 渋谷クワトロ。2日前のKYTEに引き続きのクワトロ。でも雰囲気は全然違う。今日は一番前で観た。Emily Hainesがかっこいいって理由だけで胸いっぱい。そんなEmilyが歌いながら前列の観客に握手してくれた。私の手も彼女の手に触れた。ステージのEmilyは本当にかっこよかった。自分がどうせ女の人ならEmilyみたいにかっこいい人になってみたかったって思う。演奏もすごくプロフェッショナルでライブとしてすごいよかった。観客の半分くらい外国人で歓声も大きく口笛?がたくさん。盛り上がった。ライブ直前にmyspaceで本人たちが「日本は2回目であまり人も知らないしゲストリスト枠をみんなにあげるよー応募して!」って!って書いてあったのが彼ららしいと思った。
Monday, 5 October 2009
KYTE at club Quattro

KYTEのライブ at 渋谷クワトロ。いろいろ思い出深い素敵な東京の夜だった。
in Shibuya Tokyo, Club Quattro was quite packed. one of my favorite song by BSS 'anthems for a seventeen year-old girl' was tuned in openingDJ set. i was on the left side around fifth row. . i could expect probably they would start with 'Boundaries' and they did so. i was so happy to be there. Nick said "こんばんわ - good evening in Japanese" with very Japanese accent! impressively amazing.
'Bridges In The Sky' 'Solsbury hill' 'No one is angry just afraid' 'Planet' and 'Sunlight' - when the intro of Sunlight started, our pleasure voices!! then Nick said "thank you" for us. that was beautiful moment.
i was shame i hardly saw Tom on stage, never even glimpse in crowd..... Ben and Scott sometimes quietly looked each other. Nick sometimes smiled for us or for some reasons:) I like his breath blowing singing voice on stage, it sounds different from CD, the only Live texture of voices. Kyte, they look very pure and surely youthful, though not childish at all rather mature feeling than regular early twenties. calm but intrepid. impressing creatures!
an encore. 'Eyes Lose Their Fire' - Nick sounds surprised with our voices? because he said "Do you know it? this song is Eyes Lose Their Fire" .... of course we know! next 'Stars on Tv Screen' - i thought they said so - unreleased song but "we just enjoy to play" and we enjoyed to listen to. then the last song... 'These tales of Our Stay' it was a lovely show....
At last, when Tom left from stage, he took the seven colors ball light -that i was gazing at all the time even while all show lighting disappeared, that rainbow ball light lit quietly on stage - Tom did bring the ball light for the audience with holding his guitar pick in his mouth. It was so sweet! magical present!!! I wish I could get that!!!!!
it was a beautiful night in Tokyo with my very special friends..... everyone loves Kyte a lot!!! so nice to share what we like! x
KYTE at Luminaire London 10/04/09
KYTE at proud camden London 15/04/09
Saturday, 3 October 2009
Little Red of hideout from enter the treehouse

an air-mail package arrived for me from UK Loughborough. i bought a Little Red t-shirt of hideout by enter the treehouse. This is just a part of online shopping but i almost felt like a gift arrived for me. i could touch a beautifully wrapped package and unwrapped them. it made me happy very much :) and i like this t-shirt.
それは単なるオンラインショッピング。Little Red t-shirt of hideout by enter the treehouse。UKから。だけどあやうくギフトをもらったかのようなうれしさ。エアメールってだけでどこかドキドキするし。UKの空気が詰まっている。そして予想以上に丁寧に包まれたラッピング。うれしかった。そして。このTシャツが好き。

sleep safe. i wonder what dream i will see tonight.. sleep is to be deeply melted in something dreamy and spacy..
Friday, 2 October 2009
spring tides / Jeniferever

"If you bring your words I'll bring pen and paper."
"Your stories they are beautiful but they won't bring me back."
this is also my favorite from Jeniferever. their 2nd Album 'spring tides'.
starry words and music. i am spellbound. they touch innermost heart.
Thursday, 1 October 2009
from across the sea from Jeniferever

i love Jeniferever's 1st album 'choose a bright morning' and a single from it 'from across the sea'. faithful music and great art work. i'm happy to own these releases. words are beautiful. they are like an lyric novel. beautiful rock. and somehow sexy. their music let me float deeply.
Jenifereverのファーストアルバムの'choose a bright morning'とシングル'from across the sea'が大好きだ。すごい聴いている。アートワークも好きだから所有していることがうれしい。
Thursday, 3 September 2009
radiohead - creep
my very best of essential anthem.
still ... and will be.
all the time i've been on the orbit of the light shot when I watched this video that time that moment in 1993. and ... will be.
still ... and will be.
all the time i've been on the orbit of the light shot when I watched this video that time that moment in 1993. and ... will be.
Wednesday, 2 September 2009
music memo
KYTE。日本の人気ぶりとイギリスのそれが少し違うような。Sigur Rosのアイスランド国内と全世界。みたいな差なような。なので、Sigur Rosみたいにすごくマイペースで、のびのび制作してほしい。Crossbeatのサマソニレポート。kYTEの人気ぶりを伝えるのはいいのけどさ。ボーカル、トム・ロウって....違うよ?ニック・ムーンだよ?トムはギターだよ?KYTEとMETRICが10月にクワトロ。楽しみ。KYTEのTシャツ着てたらつっこまれてうれしい。って。結局自分もKYTEの話題だらけ。笑。
Mogwai。Victoria Parkのライブが観たかった/タワレコのポップ、Sigur RosのフロントマンJonsiのソロって... Jonsi + Alexって言ってるじゃん。ソロはFrakkur名義だよ/久しぶりに見たbounceのカバーはビートルズ/NoelのOASIS脱退/Kahimi Karieの結婚と妊娠/YOKO ONO PLASTIC ONO BAND が11月に国際フォーラム/そして、Les Paulが8月13日に亡くなったそう。享年94歳。死因は肺炎とのこと。ご冥福をお祈りします。
Mogwai。Victoria Parkのライブが観たかった/タワレコのポップ、Sigur RosのフロントマンJonsiのソロって... Jonsi + Alexって言ってるじゃん。ソロはFrakkur名義だよ/久しぶりに見たbounceのカバーはビートルズ/NoelのOASIS脱退/Kahimi Karieの結婚と妊娠/YOKO ONO PLASTIC ONO BAND が11月に国際フォーラム/そして、Les Paulが8月13日に亡くなったそう。享年94歳。死因は肺炎とのこと。ご冥福をお祈りします。
Sunday, 30 August 2009
Harry Patch (In Memory Of)
Reading/Leeds Festivalに行きたかった。ReadingにもLeedsにも行った事があるからどんな雰囲気だか想像ができて思いを馳せる。でもやっぱり、本当は想像なんて遥かに超えてしまうすごい状況だったんだろうなって思う。こういうのが実現したのに、その場に自分が居合わせない切なさにしょんぼりする。ReadingのほうはいきなりCreepから始まったそうだ。セットリスト「Creep」「The National Anthem」「15 Step」「There There」「All I Need」「Nude」「The Gloaming」「2+2=5」「Climbing Up The Wall」「Street Spirit (Fade Out)」「Reckoner」「Karma Police」「Weird Fishes/Arpeggi」「Just」「Idioteque」「Exit Music (For A Film)」「Bodysnatchers」「You And Whose Army?」「Lucky」「These Are My Twisted Words」「Jigsaw Falling Into Place」「Paranoid Android」「Everything In Its Right Place」1つ1つの流れを想像すると...ヤバい。
Radiohead。私のロンドン行き直前にGlastonberryに出演してたり、帰国直後に私が住んでいた場所のものすごーく近くのVictoria Parkでオープンエアーライブをやったり。こんなに望んでるのにRadioheadの屋外ライブを見るタイミングに見放されてる。
Reading/Leeds Festivalに行きたかった。ReadingにもLeedsにも行った事があるからどんな雰囲気だか想像ができて思いを馳せる。でもやっぱり、本当は想像なんて遥かに超えてしまうすごい状況だったんだろうなって思う。こういうのが実現したのに、その場に自分が居合わせない切なさにしょんぼりする。ReadingのほうはいきなりCreepから始まったそうだ。セットリスト「Creep」「The National Anthem」「15 Step」「There There」「All I Need」「Nude」「The Gloaming」「2+2=5」「Climbing Up The Wall」「Street Spirit (Fade Out)」「Reckoner」「Karma Police」「Weird Fishes/Arpeggi」「Just」「Idioteque」「Exit Music (For A Film)」「Bodysnatchers」「You And Whose Army?」「Lucky」「These Are My Twisted Words」「Jigsaw Falling Into Place」「Paranoid Android」「Everything In Its Right Place」1つ1つの流れを想像すると...ヤバい。
Radiohead。私のロンドン行き直前にGlastonberryに出演してたり、帰国直後に私が住んでいた場所のものすごーく近くのVictoria Parkでオープンエアーライブをやったり。こんなに望んでるのにRadioheadの屋外ライブを見るタイミングに見放されてる。
Friday, 28 August 2009
Noritake : Intentions @ Rocket

i was happy to meet some friends at the Opening of my friend illustrator Noritake's drawing exhibition 'Intentions' at gallery Rocket in Tokyo. i like his illustrations. full of some strange humour!
Monday, 24 August 2009
from across over the space and time
the text and e-mail my friend sent me were so beautiful
they saved me. i was saved by them.
they saved me. i was saved by them.
Friday, 21 August 2009
Nathalie Caoust Frozen in Time, Switzerland @Rocket

my friend Nathalie Daoust in her photo exhibition Frozen in Time, Switzerland at Rocket in Tokyo.
i really think she is a true artist.
Thursday, 20 August 2009
Monday, 10 August 2009
the earth swayed
10 August
unexpectedly woke up at 5 in the morning. earthquake again. bigger than yesterday one. The earth where I exist on was swaying. It is indeed made a frightening sense in me. the earth is awesome threat....!
9 August
earthquake...... it was quite loooong and very shaky... phew i'm still with a pounding heart...
unexpectedly woke up at 5 in the morning. earthquake again. bigger than yesterday one. The earth where I exist on was swaying. It is indeed made a frightening sense in me. the earth is awesome threat....!
9 August
earthquake...... it was quite loooong and very shaky... phew i'm still with a pounding heart...
Sunday, 9 August 2009
Painted Moon
Painted Moon by NASA : Astronomy Picture of the Day
Painted Moon by NASA : Astronomy Picture of the Day
Friday, 7 August 2009
Summer Sonic 10th Anniversary
School of Seven Belles
Marcury Rev
Aphex Twin
i was all the time at Sonic Stage. that means, i missed Boom Boom Satelites and sleepy.ab.
Marcury Rev
Aphex Twin
i was all the time at Sonic Stage. that means, i missed Boom Boom Satelites and sleepy.ab.
Wednesday, 22 July 2009
neverending story

my favorite book of novel.
i love all all all of this book.
this is a hugely enormous story.
Tuesday, 7 July 2009
Monday, 6 July 2009
about things on Manchester United
Wednesday, 3 June 2009
Friday, 22 May 2009
ice swim snow land
ice snow swim land
I stayed in Iceland for 10 weeks (including a week holiday in London)
as an artist in residence and had 2 exhibitions
swimming and snowmobile and works and cozy friends and works and parties and
snow and hail and sleet and wind and sunshine and green
all of my adventures and dreams are in this 'ice snow swim land'
scroll down! highlights from them ↓↓↓ 以下ハイライトを抜粋
ice snow swim land
I stayed in Iceland for 10 weeks (including a week holiday in London)
as an artist in residence and had 2 exhibitions
swimming and snowmobile and works and cozy friends and works and parties and
snow and hail and sleet and wind and sunshine and green
all of my adventures and dreams are in this 'ice snow swim land'
scroll down! highlights from them ↓↓↓ 以下ハイライトを抜粋
swim swim swimming pool

swim swim swimming pool
artists in residence at SIM

artists in residence at SIM
101 Reykjavik

101 Reykjavik
North : krafla geothermal

North : krafla geothermal
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